Nutrition & First Aid for Kids:

“Fresh food is the secret to good health! Stick to natural food is what says the doctor.”

Chanakya Pre-school kids follow this Breakfast weekly schedule in order to remain healthy and fit:


Wheat Items


Rice Items




Besan & Bajri Items


Wheat Items


Dry snacks & Sweets


Is your child eating the right food? While TV ads expose kids to a lot of junk Food, here are a few guidelines for your children.

Is the ad showing the right food for the child?

Or, is that a food for thought?

Well, that, precisely, is the concern.

Advertisements on channels dedicated to children or children’s programmes must be governed by certain principles. But if the producer’s are not traking care of that than we being the parents shall take care that we are not taken away by the advertisements and should always check in detail before providing that item to our children.


Reduce the exposure of children to promotion of foods that are high in fat, salt, or sugar and increase their exposure to healthier & homemade options.


Avoid fast food, fizzy drinks, Instant Noodles, canned food, mouth freshner's, chewing gum & chocolates.

First Aid:

Most small cuts don't present any danger to your child. But bleeding from large cuts may require immediate medical treatment.

What to do:

For Minor Bleeding From a Small Cut:

Rinse the wound thoroughly with water to clean out dirt and debris. Then use an antiseptic solution to prevent infection. Cover the wound with a sterile adhesive bandage or sterile gauze and adhesive tape. Examine the wound daily. If the bandage gets wet, remove it and apply a new one. After the wound forms a scab, a bandage is no longer necessary.

For Bleeding From a Large Cut:

Wash the wound thoroughly with water. This will allow you to see the wound clearly and assess its size. Place a piece of sterile gauze or a clean cloth over the entire wound. If available, use clean latex or rubber gloves to protect yourself from exposure to possible infection from the blood of a child. Using the palm of your hand on the gauze or cloth, apply steady, direct pressure to the wound for 5 minutes. (During the 5 minutes, do not stop to check the wound or remove blood clots that may form on the gauze.) If blood soaks through the gauze, do not remove it. Apply another gauze pad on top and continue applying pressure.Call your child's doctor or seek immediate medical attention for all large cuts or if you're unable to stop the bleeding after 5 minutes of pressure, or if the wound begins bleeding again (continue applying pressure until help arrives)

Broken Bones, Sprains, and Strains A broken (fractured) bone requires emergency care. Suspect a possible broken bone if your child heard or felt a bone snap, if your child has difficulty moving the injured part, or if the injured part moves in an unnatural way or is very painful to the touch.

A sprain occurs when the ligaments, which hold bones together, are overstretched and partially torn. Simply overstretching any part of the musculature is called a strain. Sprains and strains generally cause swelling and pain, and there may be bruises around the injured area. Most sprains, after proper medical evaluation, can be treated at home.

In school, we do give first aid treatment and in case if there is any emergency, child is taken to the hospital and parent’s are informed about the same.